
Michael Ashmore

Josh Prenot managed a 16th place finish and 2nd in the 18-under competition. His time of 2:01.02 is a best time and SMSC record.

Michael Ashmore

Swimming in the morning Time Trials, Meghan Zimmer qualified for the 2012 USA Olympic Team Trials in the Women's 200 Freestyle. Zimmer tied the standard and set a new SMSC record in the process. This brings the number if SMSC qualifiers for 2012 to two!

Michael Ashmore

Coming out of the morning preliminaries on the first day of USA Nationals, Josh Prenot posted a 4:21.20 to qualify 8th for tonight's finals. The swim puts Prenot in a position to make the World Team tonight and is a new SMSC record.

Michael Ashmore

Josh Prenot finished 8th in the USA Swimming National Championships Men's 400 IM tonight. The only 18-under in the field, it's likely the swim qualifies him for the World Junior Championships in Lima, Peru.

Michael Ashmore

Meghan Zimmer, swimming in a morning time trial missed the 400 Freestyle Olympic Trials standard by a mere .8 of a second. The swim is also an SMSC Team Record.

Michael Ashmore

Josh Prenot and Meghan Zimmer spent a little time relaxing and seeing San Francisco today. USA Nationals kicks off tomorrow with Josh in the 400 IM and Meghan in the 400 Freestyle.

Michael Ashmore

The USA Swimming National Championships are almost set for kick off. Meghan Zimmer and Josh Prenot warmed up today to get used to the pool. The competition starts Tuesday with athletes competing to qualify for the World Junior Championships and The Pan American Games.

  If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." -- Jim Rohn

  (All Over California) - The Santa Maria Swim Club Championship season kicks off this next week. Every group of athletes on the team has a championship meet to finsih off their summer. Below, a quick synopsis of each in order of achievement. Summer Swim Festival - August 6 all SMSC novice athletes are invited to compete in the Summer Swim Festival. The event has short course yards events in all of the short distances, a 200 Freestyle and a 100 IM. There are also relays. Its a great way...

Michael Ashmore

(Santa Clara, CA) - The 44th Annual Santa Clara International Invitational kicked off this evening with the Men's 800m Freestyle and Women's 1500. Josh Prenot, swimming in the fastest heat against swimmers from Mexico, Canada, and clubs across the USA, managed a 6th place finish in 8:14. The meet continues through Sunday