SMSC Junior Olympic Team

Michael Ashmore

SMSC offers congratulations to our Summer 2022 Junior Olympic Team. The following athletes will represent us in Clovis, CA from July 21-24, 2022:

Mason Puente - Silver Group

Kristie Chen - Presenior

Zelli Coats - Presenior

Ella Edds - Presenior

Brody Elkins - Presenior

Gavin Flick - Presenior

Kat Holt-Rhodes - Presenior

Peter Klosterman - Presenior

Aylin Piasai - Presenior

Edward Wallace - Presenior

Jada Brown - Senior

Lizzie Hernandez - Senior

Ryan Steed - Senior

Torin Reynolds - Gold

(14 athletes!) Good Luck!