"Weekly Update" and Important News!

Michael Ashmore

It's been nearly two years of "war footing" for SMSC as a result of the pandemic and some continued issues with our pool time. I am happy to announce that we signed a 3-year contract this morning that gives us a much needed ability to plan more than a month in advance and get nearly half of our programs off of the early mornings we have done since May 2020.

Item #1:

As a coaching staff, we are pretty fired up about all of the new kids that joined SMSC over the past 18 months. From the coaching staff and Board, please let me thank you all again for being so incredibly supportive of the team and coaching staff over this time. There are some great changes coming over the next month - but like anything, changes mean we'll need to modify things for the future and betterment of SMSC. (More on that below)

Item #2:

We'll be introducing the SMSC Pyramid of Success which offers incentives and prizes tied to achievements of time standards. Stay tuned but look for that to start on January 17, 2022.

Item #3:

The City of Santa Maria will be closing PNAC the week of January 3-7 and re-opening on the 10th. We will be moving all programs to Hancock during that week. That schedule will be published this coming week - and while times may adjust a small amount, we do not expect your days of the week to change.

Item #4:

The week of January 10th should represent the "normal" (what you have done for the past months) schedule - back at PNAC.

Item #5:

As a result of the new contract mentioned above, we will now have a schedule that we expect will remain unchanged for the next 3 years. We will be adding time back to most groups, days of the week will likely not change for 90% of you, but our afternoon times will be adjusting. I will publish this schedule early next week, as soon as it has had everyone's once over. This schedule will begin on Tuesday, January 18 and we expect it to continue as we now have guaranteed lane space.

We have about 3.5 weeks to get through the end of this schedule. Thanks again for everything all of you have done to help us get through it.

Happy Holidays 

Coach Mike

SMSC Coaching Staff

SMSC Board of Directors