SMSC swims "Rain or Shine" unless there is lightning!

Michael Ashmore

SMSC swims "rain or shine." Remember, the athletes are wet either way. The only time we cancel practice is if there is lightning - which is obviously out of our control. The City also has a "lightning detector" which alerts us if lightning is within 3-8 miles of the facility.

Some helpful hints for rainy days:

  • Pack a large garbage bag in your child's swim bag - they can put it around their swim bag and stuff to keep it dry.
  • Dress warmly
  • Have fun - a lot of us are a little weird in this way - but a lot of swimmers like swimming in the rain!
  • Have the OnDeck app on your phone - this is SMSC's app which allows you to see meet events among other things - but it also allows us to send a quick alert to your phone - email and text that can alert you in the event of an untimely cancellation.

Please don't hesitate to ask the coaches should you have any questions.