Haley Calderon - SMSC Alumni doing big things!

Michael Ashmore

(Santa Maria, CA) – Haley Calderon, long-time Santa Maria Swim Club athlete and distinguished alumni is up to big things this summer! Haley is currently a student at the University of California at Berkeley. She swam in the SMSC Senior group during her high school years.

Haley was offered a summer research position in Physics this summer. So what’s the big deal? Her hard work has led to her being offered a position to work on Project Alpha at CERN – the large hadron collider in Switzerland.

Haley says, “I’ll be working on a team whose goal is to trap antihydrogen and we’ll be spending the summer developing the mechanism to trap antihydrogen along with other intricacies of the project.”

I put it in quotes because there were a lot of big words and Physics in that sentence! This is a big deal and our only desire is to get a picture of Haley sporting an SMSC T-shirt in front of the large hadron collider this summer.

We wish her big things!