General Membership Meeting Notes from September 29, 2020

Michael Ashmore

SMSC hosted our annual General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, September 29, 2020. The meeting took place via ZOOM. Here are the greatest hits of what happened:

  • Welcome and Thank You from Coach Mike
  • Welcome and Thank You from President John Edds
  • Presentation of Proposed Budget for 2020-2021:
    • ​While the Club has survived the COVID closure and return to swim, we are unable to host swim meets (major income source) or pursue most fundraising (major income source).
    • Presenting a "5-month" budget - as that's the length of time we can stay operating with no change in situation.
    • Membership approved budget under proposed circumstances.
  • ​Presentation of Board candidates:
    • ​James Friedrich - Treasurer
    • Daniela Naumescu - Equipment
    • Adriana Contreras - Secretary
    • Geri Coats - Fundraising
    • Membership approved entire slate in one vote.
  • ​Thank you to Shelly Marsalek (out going Fundraising for 8+ years of volunteer service)
  • Head Coach & General Manager Mike Ashmore - "State of the Club"
    • ​Your children have been amazing under these difficult circumstances
    • Thank you for staying with us and supporting us.
    • Tour of Safe Sport Tab on website - new forms and documents that we created to be in-line with Safe Sport practices
    • Still need website design help to make it "pretty"
    • Our current amount of space allotted by the City does not allow us to expand, advertise or offer more than we are currently doing.
  • ​Coach Mike answers questions from membership.
  • Adjourned.