SMSC secures BRONZE status from USA Swimming

Michael Ashmore

(Santa Maria, CA) - USA Swimming released its annual Club Excellence program this morning. The program recognizes USA Swimming's highest performing club's each year in the development of athletes 18 and younger. This program happens regardless of team size - and SMSC would fall into the category of smallest teams on this prestigious list.

The program recognizes the Top 200 teams in the USA. The Top 20 are recognized as GOLD medal teams; 21-100 receive SILVER recognition and 101-200 receive BRONZE medal recognition. SMSC finished 136th on the list, our highest fiish ever. Only 9 teams in Southern California acheived this honor. SMSC is one of the smallest teams on the list.

This represents some significant hard work from many athletes to achieve this, long hours by our coaching staff and a ton of support from our parents and volunteers. And now the next question: "what's it going to take for us to achieve a SILVER medal in the coming years?"