Thoughts From The Deep End by Coach Mike

Michael Ashmore

Let's file this under thoughts to help parents and athletes. I'll paraphrase a conversation that happens many times over and typically goes something like this:

Athlete:  "Hey coach, I am going to be gone at Caligraphy camp this weekend. But I'll only miss two days."

Coach:  "I see. So you'll miss all of Friday and all of Saturday practices?"

Athlete: "Yes."

Coach:  "So your last practice is Thursday afternoon. So you'll be out of the water for 4 days."

Athlete: "Wait, what?!"

Coach: "Let's do the math. Last practice is Thursday night. To Friday evening is 24 hours; to Saturday 48; to Sunday 72; and to our return on Monday afternoon - 96 hours or 4 days."

Athlete:  "Oh."

Coach:  "You remember when you said that you really, really, really wanted to make your first [insert JO or Junior National or Olympic Trial cut here]? Its hard to do that when you are out for 4 days. And you were sick two weeks ago - out for 4 days then."

Now let's give some details. I wouldn't direct this towards athletes under 11 or those who are brand new. But at some point, all of our athletes improve to the point that they reach a higher level of skill. And at some point, those athletes (maybe in the Gold group, probably in the Presenior and Senior groups) start to realize that with a little more work, bigger things are possible.

Along with that, the daily investment in your swimming grows. More practices, or longer practices or more intense practices...or sometimes all three at once!

As a coaching staff, we are seeing more and more young people who want the big things - qualifying for bigger meets and going faster in our case - but often do not make the connection that they must invest more to achieve those things.

This is what makes our sport so great. Generally, most individuals willing to do the work can achieve pretty good success. And they get a shopping cart full of "character traits and values" that can't be bought or earned anywhere outside of the sports world.

So as food for thought: are your actions (attendance, intensity at practice, focus at practice, nutrition) supporting your goals? Have you had the conversation with your group coach? "Hey coach, I really want to make Junior Olympics, what do I need to do?"

Fast swimming to all.

Coach Mike