Michigan Grand Prix concludes

(Ann Arbor, MI) - Elizabeth Pulido turned in a stellar performance on Sunday morning in the Women's 200m Backstroke to move up 15 spots and qualify for the consolation final in the event. Pulido's time of 2:20 also qualifies her for the Summer Junior Nationals to be held at Stanford University in August. Pulido's bid to qualify for Olympic Trials also got a bit closer as she closed the gap by another 2 seconds.

Josh Prenot also finaled for SMSC, winning the Men's Consolation final in the 400 IM (4:24). The time was just over a second slower than his Junior Pan Pac's finish of last summer.

Michaela Paige, swimming in her first Grand Prix managed all lifetime bests for her events while winning her qualifying heats in the 200 Fly (2:26) and 100 Free (1:00).

Karen Hendrick turned in a quick 1:04 in the 100m Fly, inching ever closer to the summer Junior cut of 1:03.

Most of these athletes, along with a few more SMSC swimmers will head to Stanford for another competition at month's end.