Central California Junior Olympic Team takes highest finish ever...

(Fresnho, CA) - SMSC’s highest ever TEAM finish at the Central California Junior Olympics to date has been 3rd place. At the end of this weekend, SMSC wrote anothert one into the history books with a 2nd place TEAM finish, just 150 points behind Champion Clovis Swim Club. In third place was TNT, 250 points behind. 4th and 5th went to Bakersfield (400 points behind) and PUMA (1100 points behind), respectively.

Its fair to say that SMSC had a stellar weekend with hard work paying off for the entire team. High Point Age Group trophies went to Alexandria Kwong, Andrew Sterns and Devon Tomooka.

It should be pointed out that SMSC pulled off this historic weekend without the Sectional Team and without several key athletes who were attending Far Westerns.

Coach Jamie Furber said, "they really supported each other each night at finals. I almost wanted to put my suit on and come out of retirement."

Coach Patty Ray said, "this was an amazing experience, I am so excited for our athletes."

Way to go SMSC! Fantastic job this weekend.