General Membership Meeting Notes

Our Annual Summer Genereal Membership Meeting was held last night at Edwards Community Center. Many thanks to outgoing Equipment VP Allan Granski, outgoing Treasurer Eileen Dickey and outgoing President Chuck Brannon and kudos for a job well done.

Items discussed:

1.  It was re-iterated that Volunteer Hours and Fundraising will be billed on September 20, 2009. It would be wise to check your account and verify where you stand.

2. Credit card and Direct Debit options will be available September 20.

3. Bill Prenot was elected President for the next two years.

4. Mike Hendrick was elected to Equipment VP.

5. Teri Mastrup was re-elected to Secretary.

6. A dues increase for 2nd-3rd and 4th children was presented. This dues increase will take effect on September 1, 2009.

Fast swimming to all.