2006 Husky Invitational kicks off.

(Fedreral Way, WA) - The 58th Annual University of Washington Husky Invitational kicked off Thursday night at the KING County Aquatic Center in Federal Way. The facility has been home to the 1991 Goodwill Games plus numerous U.S. National Championships. The meet includes teams from universities including UC Berkeley, U of Idaho, U of Washington, Oregon State and Whitowrth College. It also includes club teams from Colorado, Idaho, Washington, Orgeon and California with over 500 athletes entered.

Along with the 10 athletes from SMSC competing, several SMSC alumni are also there, representing their college teams, including: Dena Lougee (Oregon State), Samantha Kephart (Whitworth College), Katie Furber (Whitworth College) and Zach Korte (University of Puget Sound).

In the 1000 Freestyle, the only event contested on Thursday night, SMSC was represented by Lora Lougee, Jason Dupere, Casey Bateman and Jamie Furber. All raced well. Results were not available at press time.